Chris Westcott

Senior Software Engineer

UK Based


If you want to get in touch with me then you can do so in a number of ways:


Proficient, driven, technical and business minded, with broad industry experience. Adept with high-level decision making as well as hands-on execution within the earliest stages of startups through to established companies.

Confident leading teams and developing solutions employing engineering best practices. Guided by latest industry advances whilst remaining pragmatic in delivery.

Employment Details

Rebellion Defense, Senior Software Engineer, April 2023 - August 2023

Lead on a number of full stack features for the Nova product within the smallest and highest outputting engineering team on the Nova product.

Team was shut down after withdrawing from the UK.

Just Insure, Lead Backend Engineer, 2019 - April 2023

Responsible for architectural design and development as the company has moved from initial product launch towards growth including several funding rounds including recent Series A.

GCP, Typescript, Node.js, CircleCI, Terraform, TurboRepo, Jest, Heroku, Postgres, GCP Datastore, GCP Pub/Sub

DAZN, Senior Software Engineer, 2018 - 2019

Working as a part of the Payments and Sports Data teams within the “Netflix for Sports”. A very high-scale and high-demand service with several millions subscribers globally (7 countries). With peak loads in millions of users for large live events.

Working alongside industry experts in both Frontend and Backend development. Involved in architecture, development, code reviews, testing, and 3rd-line support of systems. Aiding with recruitment by performing technical interviews.

AWS (Lambda, Kinesis, SNS, DynamoDB, SQS, Rekognition), NodeJS, ReactJS, OpenAPI, Drone CI, Terraform, Serverless, Docker, Scrum, Kanban, Jest, Stryker

Bamboo Auctions, CTO & Co-Founder, 2015 - 2018

Co-founder of online property auction marketplace. Responsible for all aspects of moving the technology from prototype to production and preparing for growth.

NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, CircleCI, Redux, Docker, Microservices, Tape (test harness)

Pinewood Solutions, Freelance Software Engineer 2013 - 2015

Penelope Research

Working closely with founder to rapidly prototype several products related to scientific research to help find market fit (Penelope AI) and make a difference in the field.

NodeJS, ReactJS, Python, Markdown, Pandoc


Scrum Master and Developer in the New Features team. Key additions allowed company to expand into US and Australia.

C#, JavaScript, KnockoutJS, AngularJS, GPS, high-scale, high-demand, SQL Server, SVN, Scrum, Scrum Master, N-Tier

EVORA Global

Sole developer of backend for SIERA a RESTful API and reporting engine. Supported Front-End Developers producing frontend JavaScript libraries and CTO with initial product.

C#, Vanilla JS, Sencha Touch, SQL Server, git, REST

Jemmac Software, Senior Software Engineer, 2006 - 2013

Technical lead for Jemmac’s Sapphire Trend, OPC Failover, OPC Net View some projects for the petrochemical and fleet logistics companies. Included onsite work and travel. C#, ASP.NET, C++, SQL Server, Visual Source Safe, SVN, Client-Server

Cerulean, Senior Software Engineer, 2003 - 2006

Software team leader and hands on developer for C2 product. Multi-discipline development environment alongside hardware and electrical engineers. Software control of device as well as UI and external software interfaces. Working closely with all stakeholders and customers. Included onsite work and travel.

C++, ASP.NET, C#, VB, SQL Server, Visual Source Safe

Computair, Software Engineer, 2000 - 2003

Lead developer for company’s main bespoke offering. Worked closely with customer agreeing specifications before designing, developing, testing and releasing completed projects back to them. Also responsible for in-house 3D library.

C++, ASP Classic

BAE Systems, Software Engineer, 2000 & Trainee Software Engineer, 1996 - 2000

Civil HUD: Developer. C, Intel i960 assembler

Eurofighter Typhoon: Unit tester and founding member of internal tools development team. Ada, 68000 Assembly, VB6, VAX/VMS, DCL.

Boeing 777-300: Unit tester during summer placement. Ada, 68000 assembler, x86 assembler.


University of Kent, 1996 - 2000

B.Sc (Hons) Software Engineering 2(ii)

Oakwood Park Grammar School, Kent, 1991 - 1996